Tag Archives: 2014

Texans remain Battle “Red”

Democrats banding together after a hard loss.
Democrats banding together after a hard loss.

The midterm elections for 2014 proved to be an extremely disappointing night for the Democratic Party all over the country. Texas continued to be a “red” state despite the heavy campaigning and desire to turn “purple” or “blue”.

Attorney General Greg Abbott beat State Senator Wendy Davis by a 4% margin. His overall total votes were 349,109 and Davis earned 319,454 losing by 29,655 votes. This was a hard blow to die hard democrats who were hoping for Davis to win and change the political atmosphere in the state.

Davis’ concession speech was heartfelt. She told her supporters, “ Being disappointed is ok, being discouraged is not.” The loss set the tone for the rest of the nights results as many democrats hoped they could ride in on Davis’ coattails.

Senior incumbents such as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, State Representative Senfronia Thompson, State Representative Sylvester Turner, State Representative Alma Allen, State Representative Borris Miles and Congressman Al Green retained their seats in their districts that have proved to be loyal to them.

The real race were in positions such as Attorney General, Texas Land Commissioner, Railroad Commissioner, and in the judicial sector where many were running for open seats or against incumbents that came in during the last republican sweep in 2012.

In the Attorney General race, Sam Houston – D, lost to Ken Paxton- R by 39,254 votes, 6%. This was the circumstance for majority of the races. Candidates lost by small margins and proved why the early vote really is an important measure in election practices.

The District Attorney race for Harris County was one to watch as major issues such as the future of misdemeanor drug policy in Houston was at stake. Democratic candidate Kim Ogg lost to incumbent Devon Anderson by a 6% margin as well. Ogg was 43,004 votes shy of winning.

The county had a Republican sweep. Incumbents kept their seats especially in the judiciary and claimed the top seat in the statewide races.

Congresswoman Lee gathered democrats together at the end of the night to rally together after Wendy Davis’ speech at the Harris County Democratic Party headquarters.

“Thanks Wendy for never giving up,” said Lee. “For never stopping with your story of hope and inspiration.”

That hope and inspiration is now targeted toward the 2016 election cycle.

“We continue to be proud democrats,” said State Rep. Sylvester Turner. “We will still fight for our children and education so they may have opportunities, so they may be able to go to college and have the opportunities our parents didn’t have.”

The issue of healthcare and lack of it for millions of Texans is still there even as a new governor will come into power. Elected officials that retained their seats will have to continue the battle with a heavier Republican influence for the next two years.

Although the night proved to be a dim one for democrats State Rep. Turner reminded supporters that today leads to tomorrow and tomorrow will lead to a change.

2014 Civil Rights Game and Beacon Awards hosted by the Astros


Less than a week before she died, legendary poet Dr. Maya Angelou canceled an appearance at The 2014 Major League Baseball (MLB) Civil Rights game which will be played at Minute Maid Park on Friday, May 30th between the Houston Astros and the Baltimore Orioles.

Angelo along with NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown and Motown founder and music pioneer Berry Gordy are this year’s Beacon of Life 2014 Honorees. Brown and Gordy will received their awards at the MLB Beacon Awards Luncheon and the Baseball Civil Rights Movement Roundtable Luncheon hosted by Robin Roberts of Good Morning America.

The Astros office said they do plan to still honor the legendary poet in her passing but have not release the details at this time.

The Civil Rights game and its Beacon of Life Award was developed by the MLB in 2007 to pay tribute to those who fought on and off the field for equal rights.

This is the eighth year of the Civil Rights game and the first where the teams will wear the Negro League uniforms. The Astros will wear the uniforms of the Houston Eagles which played for two years (1949-1950) and was the only team from Texas in Negro League History.The Baltimore Orioles will wear the uniforms of the Baltimore Elite Giants which played from 1938 through 1950.

The first 15,000 fans to enter Minute Maid Park will receive a special commemorative Civil Rights Cap.

Chart-topping Aloe Blacc will perform “The Man” before the first pitch, Actress and singer, Jadagrace will sing the National Anthem and recording artist, Jeffery Osborne will treat fans to a special rendition of “America the Beautiful” during the 7th inning stretch.

After the game, the Astros will host a special fireworks show that will have a Motown theme.


Yates falls short to Dallas James Madison in championship game

Yates playing during the championship.
Yates playing during the championship.

The 3A Division leader, the Jack Yates Lions, faced the number 2 seat, James Madison, for the second time in a row.

It was a close game all the way up to the last period where Yates failed to stop the Trojans, losing by just eight points.
Down by five points in the fourth quarter Yates let Madison pull away to extend their lead to double digits. Yates, JC Washington had 20 points and 8 rebounds and Damion Lewis had 18 points in a losing effort.

Yates was out played and out rebound in the second half. The full court press that Coach Greg Wise is known for did not work against the Madison Trojans.

Gilder had 22 points for Madison in the win over Yates. When it was over Madison had 82 and Yates had 70 points. It was Yates third straight loss in the state championship.

Councilmember Dwight Boykins host Capital Improvement Meeting

City Councilman Dwight Boykins at District D CIP Meeting at Cullen Middle School.
City Councilman Dwight Boykins at District D CIP Meeting at Cullen Middle School.

By: Myra Griffin

Recently elected District D Councilmember Dwight Boykins has hit the ground running and with speed as he hosted his first Capital Improvement Plan at Cullen Middle School, Thursday February 20, 2014.

Councilmember Boykins had representatives from the City’s Finance Department, Public Works and Engineering Department,and Parks and Recreations come out to address his constituents. Each department gave a brief overview and status update on the current issues they are working on such as streets, drainage, Emancipation and Hermann Park.

City officials explained about the cost, debts and bonds that go along with the repairs requested. The model showed the phase of Repair, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

After presentations the audience was allowed to ask questions and receive responses from the city departments that handle that specific issue.

At Large Councilmembers were present, C.O. Bradford, Michael Kubosh, David Robinson and Jack Christie.


-Full article in Houston Sun Newspaper

Inauguration held to swear in Houston’s new City Council

Mayor Annise Parker
Mayor Annise Parker

The City of Houston welcomed into office the three- time elected Mayor Annise Parker, Comptroller Ronald Green and 16 City Council members at the Wortham Theatre on Wednesday, January 2, 2014.
The mayor and comptroller were sworn in by the Honorable Vanessa D. Gilmore, US District Judge for the Southern District of Texas. Mayor Parke then turned and administered the oath of office to members of City Council.

This will be Mayor Parker’s final term as Mayor as she is at the end of her term limit which is six years.

“I believe this is the best job in America. To serve you is my greatest honor. I remain excited to go to work each and every day,” said Mayor Parker.

Council will look different in the 2014 year as many new faces will appear in the c shaped city council chamber. Brenda Stardig of District A will return after a 2 year sit out due to losing to Helena Brown in 2012. She will regain her seat after winning the run-off election. Dwight Boykins will represent District D, replacing Wanda Adams who termed out, Richard Nguyen beat out Al Hoang in District F, Robert Gallegos won District I and will replace James Rodriguez who also termed out. At- Large City Councilmember Andrew Burks, Jr. won’t be returning and will be replaced by David Robinson, At- Large Position 3 will be represented by Michael Kubosh as Melissa Noriega has reached her term limit.

Parker addressed many projects she has lined up and some that are already underway in her inaugural speech such as chronic homelessness, the non-sexual discrimination and infrastructure.
“It is time that you see real progress in the street and drainage system in Houston,” said Mayor Parker.

The ceremony was integrated with music from the Inauguration Orchestra, honor guards from the Police and Fire Departments, and children led the pledge of allegiance from the Star of Hope.
Now that the pomp and circumstance is done, City Council will resume on Tuesdays at 1:30pm, public forum and on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am at 900 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002 on the Second floor.