Tag Archives: Inauguration

Inauguration held to swear in Houston’s new City Council

Mayor Annise Parker
Mayor Annise Parker

The City of Houston welcomed into office the three- time elected Mayor Annise Parker, Comptroller Ronald Green and 16 City Council members at the Wortham Theatre on Wednesday, January 2, 2014.
The mayor and comptroller were sworn in by the Honorable Vanessa D. Gilmore, US District Judge for the Southern District of Texas. Mayor Parke then turned and administered the oath of office to members of City Council.

This will be Mayor Parker’s final term as Mayor as she is at the end of her term limit which is six years.

“I believe this is the best job in America. To serve you is my greatest honor. I remain excited to go to work each and every day,” said Mayor Parker.

Council will look different in the 2014 year as many new faces will appear in the c shaped city council chamber. Brenda Stardig of District A will return after a 2 year sit out due to losing to Helena Brown in 2012. She will regain her seat after winning the run-off election. Dwight Boykins will represent District D, replacing Wanda Adams who termed out, Richard Nguyen beat out Al Hoang in District F, Robert Gallegos won District I and will replace James Rodriguez who also termed out. At- Large City Councilmember Andrew Burks, Jr. won’t be returning and will be replaced by David Robinson, At- Large Position 3 will be represented by Michael Kubosh as Melissa Noriega has reached her term limit.

Parker addressed many projects she has lined up and some that are already underway in her inaugural speech such as chronic homelessness, the non-sexual discrimination and infrastructure.
“It is time that you see real progress in the street and drainage system in Houston,” said Mayor Parker.

The ceremony was integrated with music from the Inauguration Orchestra, honor guards from the Police and Fire Departments, and children led the pledge of allegiance from the Star of Hope.
Now that the pomp and circumstance is done, City Council will resume on Tuesdays at 1:30pm, public forum and on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am at 900 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002 on the Second floor.