Tag Archives: 100 days

Wendy Davis, 100 days left in race for Texas Governor’s seat

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate State Senator  Wendy Davis at volunteer event in Houston
Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate
State Senator
Wendy Davis at volunteer event in Houston

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate State Senator Wendy Davis rallied to a full house of supporters who came out to train as volunteers for the last 100 days until the November election.

The Iron Workers facility in South Houston was jammed packed with an eclectic mix of people who cheered loudly and proudly as Davis walked up on stage.

“I have worked other campaigns but this one is special. I feel like Wendy can do wonders for Texas, ” said Penny Taylor, a young woman who attended the rally.

Davis has earned a reputation for standing up during difficult decision times but also for her grassroots campaign. She has earned the most donations from small donors in a record time and she is far from over.

Greg Abbott was the focus of her speech as he is her contender. But her main focus was the momentum of her volunteers.

“I am grateful to each and everyone who believes it can be done and with each and every one of us it can be done,” said Davis.

Davis gave an update about the work she is doing now in the legislature by filibustering again but this time for education.

According to Davis, Abbott has been fighting 600 schools in court for budget cuts close to $5 billion. Davis claims she has fought hard to restore 3.5 billion back to those schools.

“I value the importance of the schools. My values are roots that every child should be able to reach their dreams,” said State Senator Davis.

The State Senator has campaigned on the aspect that she is a hard working woman who has earned her stripes. She prides herself in not being an “insider” and states her and Abbott are two very different people running for the same office.

“We’ve seen in 14 years Austin insiders. They have ignored our votes and taken our votes for granted,” echoed Davis throughout the room. “People have woken up to the strength of their own voices. People think Texas can’t be won by a woman with a D by her name. I have stood for hard working Texans even when I knew I wouldn’t win. It means something to me.”

Davis appraises herself as Governor who would bring tax dollars to Texas and spend them inside Texas, having sound economic policies and someone who will not be up for sale.

Wendy Davis taking an "usie" with the volunteers after her speech.
Wendy Davis taking an “usie” with the volunteers after her speech.

The Sun had an exclusive interview with State Senator Wendy Davis after her rally speech where we has a brief discussion about her last 100 days campaigning.

Sun: What do you see happening with volunteers in the next 100 days?

Davis: “In the next 100 days I expect our volunteer numbers are going to continue to swell. We already have over 27,000 people volunteering in this campaign. It’s historic, there has never been anything like this in the state before. I am sure that it will continue to grow and those conversations that are so important with voters to make sure we have someone in the Capital who will represent all hard working Texans and not an insider representing only an inside few. Those conversations are going to make the difference in the race.”

Sun: How did the filibuster about education help draw people to you?

Davis: “The number one issues in this race is education. I talk to parents and teachers every single day and they want to see someone who is going to make sure that we once again make education a priority, that we fund it properly and focus on early childhood education and get kids doing well before we lose them forever and those will be my priorities as governor.”

Sun: What can I tell The Houston Sun readers about Wendy Davis that they don’t already know?

Davis: “Tell them that she’s a fighter and that she stood and fought against a 5 1/2 billion dollars in cuts to public education while Greg Abbott has been fighting for three years in court to defend those cuts and that’s what they need to know about the two people who are asking for the privilege to serve them.”

Managing Editor, Myra Griffin interviews Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Wendy Davis PhotoCred: Justin Schooler
Managing Editor, Myra Griffin interviews Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Wendy Davis
PhotoCred: Justin Schooler