Abigail Fisher beats UT and makes ripples with affirmative action

Abigail Fisher is a graduate of Lousiana State Univerity with a degree in finance. While earning that degree at LSU, Fisher took on the University of Texas- Austin in lawsuit based on a “no” for admission to the university.

In 2008, Fisher was denied acceptance to UTA and decided not to take it as a part of the college application experience. She alleged the school’s affirmative action policies are the reasons she was not accepted.

UTA admits the top 10 percent of students from every Texas graduating high school class, Fisher still found fault with the admission policy as she alleged that African- American and Hispanic students were let in due to the effect of racial diversity for the school.

Fisher did not fall into the top 10 percentile of her graduating class in Sugarland.

Her goal is for the Supreme Court to rule that it shall be illegal for the University of Texas-Austin to include race in admissions decisions.

Abigail Fisher won her case and UTA nor any other university will not be able to use race during the admission process.

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