(Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I have often come to this floor to remind my colleagues of the devastation that the people of Texas have experienced with Hurricane Harvey. I certainly don’t intend to ignore our other friends in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and California who have experienced their own devastation, along with Louisiana.
But I am excited today, Mr. Speaker, because I am introducing a bill that celebrates the history of Texas. H.R. 4745 is the emancipation national historic trail. Many people know that the Emancipation Proclamation was not heard in Texas but for 2 years later in 1865. This emancipation national historic trail recounts the journey of many of those individuals: freed slaves going from the Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, Texas; along Texas State Highway 3, Interstate Highway 45 North, Freedmen’s Town, and Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas; following the migration route of newly freed slaves and other persons of African descent; from the major 19th century seaport of Galveston.
It is a collaboration with people from both parties throughout the community. It is one of unity, Mr. Speaker. It is one where we are coming together.
I look forward to passing this legislation with my colleagues-Republicans and Democrats–because it is a celebration of the history of Texas.”