Progress has been made as women of the Houston League of Business and Professional Women, Inc. (HLBPW) held a meeting for the 52nd anniversary of the organization’s existence.
What started at the Founder’s Day meeting was the planning of the Jazz Brunch occurring on June 4. HLBPW and sixteenth President Patricia N. Sullivan, co-chairpersons Juanita Harang and Priscilla Graham, and Chairperson and former president Dorris Ellis discussed ideas on how to set up the brunch event at the Ensemble Theater under the theme of “Making Melodious Progress.”
New members will be inducted, and life members will be recognized byPresient Sullivan and Ellis Just like Harang. Other individuals will be awarded at the brunch, which includes Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Texas State Representative Alma Allen, and Texas Southern’s philosophy teacher and preacher Dr. Thomas F. Freeman. Each and every one of these 16 men and women is going to be honored for their respective achievements in the Houston community hosted by the organization dating back to 1964.
Although the start of the HLBPW was in 1934 as an idea, it slowly began to gain force and power as years went by. This idea was first brought by the late Emma Odessa Young, and she was able to witness the growth until she passed away in 1944 and never had a chance to lead the organization. She would then be credited with being a founder along with fellow New York City’s Ollie Chinn Porter and Effie Diton; Bertha Perry Rhodes, Josephine B. Keene, and Adelaide Flemming of Philadelphia; and Pearl Flippen pf Atlantic City.
Initially called the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., this organization had a mission, and the mission is to promote and protect the interests of African American business and professional women. They also service as a bridge for young people seeking to enter a business and the professions. Finally, they formed to improve the quality of life in the local and global communities and to foster good fellowship.
During the 30s and 60s, hardships and prejudice took over the African Americans, especially women. However, the founders and the pioneer of the Houston League of Business and Professional Women, Inc. Lullelia Harrison decided to change that. Harrison, in particular, had the courage to see African American women successfully have jobs and business and to construct a group of women working together to make a difference. This Houston group made many community services and activities, which gave the group its relevancy and place in history along with their slogan: Tribute to The Past, Service in The Present, Seize The Future.
Their next meeting will be May 4 with a location to be determined.