Tag Archives: campaign 2013

Last 24 hours before election,Mayoral candidate, Ben Hall stops at Just Oxtails to have meet and greet with voters

In the last 24 hours before the city wide election, mayoral candidate, Ben Hall held several meet and greets around the city to give Houstonians that last minute chance to get a good look at their option to the incumbent mayor.

Hall has proved to be the biggest contender in the race, inciting multiple ads from Mayor Parker’s campaign but it’s still up to the voters to decide. The Sun met Hall at Just Oxtails as he shook hands with customers.

“I’m very excited,” said Hall. “People are very enthusiastic and I want to shake their hands and thank them for engaging in this democratic process.”

As he greeted the lunch goers Hall appeared to be recognizable. One of the challenges Hall started with was matching a name and face with the Houston demographic.

“Quite frankly I think my opponent did a good job of getting my name out there,” said Hall. “Right now I think we have about 97% name recognition because of her commercials. So all we have to do is convince them that the message is wrong but the name recognition is there.”

With the race at an arm’s length away, Hall is still working diligently to get voters in tune with him.

“We feel good about our chances tomorrow but we have to get the voters to come out,” Hall said. “If they (voters) don’t come out then were looking at a run off, but we want the alternative which is a straight up win. We are going to do everything we can to get every possible vote at the polls tomorrow.”

Hall stands firm that Houston needs new leadership and that the public feels there isn’t any representation from the current administration. His platform of leadership with a vision is what he is taking out with him into the streets and the meet and greets.

“People want leadership with vision, someone who is going to listen to what they need on issues such as street repair and making sure the potholes are taken care of,” said Hall. “They don’t sense any of those kinds of initiatives in the present incumbent.”

In the next 24 hours, Hall said it’s going to be like the ones before. He will be trying to touch as many as people as possible and convince them that he is the legitimate alternative to Mayor Parker.