Tag Archives: Through Dorris’s Eyes

Pushing up hill

Through Dorris’s Eyes

What amount of energy does it take to push the loaded wagon uphill? Massive amount I am sure based on the weight being carried in the loaded wagon. Americans are bogged down with loaded wagons. Some of the loads are real and some are perceived. Still it appears that we are having a difficult time getting to the top of the hill. At the top of the hill, there is a moment for release and rest. The laborers can catch his or her breath, get a drink of water, and reflect of the journey to get to the top, appreciate what it took to get to the top. Once at the top of the hill, there must be a strategy to remain on the hill or and to explore the use of the hill to reach different destinations. The view of what is beyond what the eyes can see is causing the American public to not trust themselves. We are fearful first that we cannot climb that hill which is filled with a plethora of negative things that are beyond our control. Among the items in the loaded wagon are 9.2 percent unemployment, an uncertain housing market, declining in education, teachers cuts, low wage jobs, unemployment, deficits, and a lagging economy.

I can make the loaded wagon theory more complicated by making the hill for which we Americans seek to climb is a muddy one on the east coast for example that has experience historic rains. Just imagine how difficult it would be to push a loaded wagon are 9.2 percent unemployment, an uncertain housing market, declining in education, teachers cuts, low wage jobs, unemployment, deficits us a slippery hill where progress is made and then the wagon slips back to the starting position or even lower than the original position. Imagine the use of the muscles, mental and physical energy required to move the loaded wagon.

Well, some may offer to remove items from the wagon and then maybe we can get it over the hill while others may argue that it is unfair to remove any of the items, as they are all needed to benefit our nation. Therefore, Americans, how do we lift this wagon of woes up the hill so that we can get over the crisis of neglect, unrealized opportunities, oppression, and destruction of ideas and people who could conceivable assist in pushing this wagon up the hill? What can we do?

Maybe we should find a way to come together to analyze and determine the best options to address each problem in a fair and reasonable manner. This can be accomplished. It is our choice to do it or not to do it. The consequences await all of us and the results are based on our action. We have careers with specificities in disciplines that could master each obstacle we face, yet we must find the will to make it happen.

May God bless, and I will see you next week.