Tag Archives: land

City of Houston to annex land

By: Myra Griffin
The Houston Sun

Within the next two years the city of Houston will annex land in two areas for general purposes. City Council voted unanimously to annex land east of the city limit line and west of the San Jacinto River and north of the Navigation District.

According to the Texas Local Government Code requires that the city identifies areas it intends to annex to be in compliance with the Annexation Plan.
“We annex on a routine basis and areas on the outside ask to be annexed,” said Mayor Parker.
Houston has a extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) that is a five mile band around the city’s general- purpose boundaries.

“A general purpose annexation is most commonly used. The city must meet a public notification requirement. Upon annexation, all affected property becomes part of the general- purpose boundaries and is effectively subject to all regulations, taxes and services provided by the City. Residents within this property are residents of the City of Houston and have all the rights and responsibilities afforded thereby. Property considered for general – purpose annexation must be included in a City’s annexation plan at least three years prior to the annexation. One instance where the three- year requirement is waived is if the property owner requests annexation,” according to the City of Houston Annexation Plan 2014-2016.