The Houston Sun Newspaper hosted their 3RD Annual Future Journalist of
America Symposium March 8th at the Houston Chronicle.
Jack Yates Senior High School learned from some of journalisms top
professionals about the art of writing, how to become journalist while participating in a
write off that demonstrated deadline writing to students.
Constance Robinson of HISD spoke on Public Relations, Jim Newkirk and
colleagues from the Houston Chronicle presented on what it takes to become a
newspaper journalist, Maria Todd of News 92 FM spiced up the event with her signature
voice and gave great tips on how to become a radio broadcaster, Dr. Michael Berryhill,
Chairman of Journalism at Texas Southern University gave tips on the skills writers need
to become journalist, First Amendment Attorney Anthony Griffin brought the energy to
the symposium with his insight on the power of the First Amendment, and Professor
Serbino Sandifer- Walker of Texas Southern University engaged the students in their
favorite past time which is technology and how to make that iPhone and iPad work for
them in journalism.
For their efforts in the write off students were rewarded with medals. This event
is one of the many events that will go on throughout 2013 to celebrate the Houston Sun’s
30th Anniversary.